Paul, the Lawgiver

3 thoughts on “Paul, the Lawgiver”

  1. Yes,
    I appreciate your conclusion and its summary with 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Dan..
    And your comments on “Paul’s teaching as part of inspired and authoritative scriptures; but the interpretations of those writings are not inspired or authoritative or universal….” are insightful and wise words.
    Thanks for posting this!

  2. Christopher R. Allan

    And how often do we confuse interpretation with the authoritative word itself? The Pharisees and Scribes were experts; they knew the law by heart. They could rattle it off, and knew the different schools of rabbinical thought. And yet Jesus told them outright, “You do not understand the Scriptures.” We must humble ourselves before God, and understand that HE alone its its ultimate author and exegetical. Let us not spur orthodoxy or the centuries of wise thought. But let us not rest in presumptions that may, in the end, be a stumblingblock to those who would enter His rest.

  3. Yes.
    I needed the laugh from your paraphrases pseudo Jesus teachings.
    Yea, verily.
    I like your applications of these truths.

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