Who Wrote the New Testament? When?

2 thoughts on “Who Wrote the New Testament? When?”

  1. Brother, as always, you killed it! I was going through withdrawal without your entries! One note on John. His Greek was a bit odd, includingbthe non-standard grammar. His first letter is the easiest, and first year Greek reading. Very simple Greek (I can read it myself!). Revelation may have come later, and is of a much more complex and unorthodox style. Then again, people change. Years in Asia Minor and exile may do that to you.

  2. Brother, as always, you killed it! I was going through withdrawal without your entries! One note on John. His Greek was a bit odd, includingbthe non-standard grammar. His first letter is the easiest, and first year Greek reading. Very simple Greek (I can read it myself!). Revelation may have come later, and is of a much more complex and unorthodox style. Then again, people change. Years in Asia Minor and exile may do that to you.

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