You Promised!

4 thoughts on “You Promised!”

  1. Thanks for this walk thru the Bible.

    Well said.

    What is the big thing on top that looks like a Hebrew letter with vowels?

      1. But I, not familiar with written Hebrew, knew exactly that it was a kneeling person. It’s amazing how our brains differently interpret what we see, The scholar saw a bit of unrecognizable alphabet; I saw the profile of a man. That goes also to the gist your comments re understanding prayer in the cultural context. It’s so interesting! Thanks!

  2. Christopher R. Allan

    Dan, what a perfect way of addressing the high context/low context divide. The amount of heurmanutical abuse that has been done to Scripture by the modern western reader, both wittingly and out of ignorance, is considerable. Before we pray, we should consider the spirit in which we pray, what God is doing, ect.

    Prayer is about drawing near to the one we need, not extracting the things we need from one who is far away. How comforting to remember that God knows what we need before we ask. If my hearts prayer is like Jesus, I already will have my daily bread, even if it is the bread of peasants and not of kings.

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