Targets and Arrows

3 thoughts on “Targets and Arrows”

  1. On producing “converts”: Jesus also said that He is our example. We should be examples of what being Christian is all about. I believe that being an example will speak loudly. As my Uncle Warner Parks would quote, “What you do speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you say!”

  2. I have often struggled with this issue. Why? I am a missionary kid, (now gramma). But my experiences have been based on the teaching that we are supposed to go out and preach the gospel to all the world.
    On furlough years, (the year in between each of the 4-year periods of our folks’ career as linguistic missionaries to Ivory Coast) I felt only the driving of “YOU have to…” witness to the high school students, and would – be friends..tho’ most of the time, I was afraid I would say the wrong thing and further alienate myself from any possible friendships.
    For one thing, I felt like I was a “hit n run” witness; i could not have “real” friends because my “job” was to “SAVE Souls”.
    I would not be “there” to actually befriend any one of possible friend relationships..Our family would be moving back to the African Continent at schools end. How badly did I want to have good friends..but there was no time to actually develop those.
    Speaking from our heart, and sharing the Truth of Who GOD is, not our own badly construed ideas..but sharing Truth has to be led and guided by the gentle inner glow of our personal experience and relationship with JESUS..
    Not with a threat from The All-Mighty One.. but the inner glow of Truth and confidence in God’s love for “me”..

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