The Winds of Change

7 thoughts on “The Winds of Change”

  1. Dan,
    Especially since at the beginning, God gave you that phrase from the song composed and sung by Bob Dylan….”The Times They Are
    A-Changin'”…. this is excellent and good for “Now”…….
    Thanks for your hard work..

  2. Thank s for this!

    I was out of touch with the main stream in the 60s, so I only heard of Dylan’s song. Never knew the words.

    Yes. Silos is what we’re in, and with our own silo speak.

    Thanks for naming our plight.

  3. If it is no longer good enough to say:” It’s wrong because the Bible says so.” Then on what Authority should I accept the law to love my neighbor? Certainly Nature doesn’t teach me that. Nature can be cruel to the most innocent. Nature is indifferent to my pain and even to my existence.
    If you say because Jesus says so. Says who? Maybe he never said that. If you pick and choose what he did or did not say aren’t you creating a Jesus that suits you?

    1. You raise a good question. Even in our modern culture, I have not encountered anyone who is apposed to: “do to others as you would have them do to you.” If humanity, as a whole, begins to do otherwise, I fear where that will lead.

    2. Maybe you should read the Scriptures yourself, Bonnie; maybe you are creating a deity that suits you;
      These principles for GOOD life are not edicts, they are good principles FOR good living..Just as the Proverbs are not edicts, either…but they are sound principles..
      You want to be treated the same way you treat other people? One life principle that is good to remember is, what we plant
      ( acts of kindness or not) we will receive….one way or another…
      These principles guide us….and even if, for some reason someone else does not respond exactly the same, it is satisfying to know you did do a Good thing…and it will come back to you, even if later, somehow..

  4. I find a lot of hope in Bob Dylan’s line from the song, “the loser now Will be later to win.”. Whenever the follower of Christ was down and out in the past, it was just a small intermission before a large comeback. The bottom line is God never loses. I believe that the current health crisis and the massive disruption it’s going to cause will open the door for us to once again reengage society. This isn’t the end, it’s only the beginning

  5. Christopher Allan

    I get a lot of hope from the Bob Dylan line, “the loser now
    Will be later to win.” revolutions are just that, things that go forward and then come back around. The one thing that we as believers have going for us is this; God never loses. The gospel is true because it is true, and the truth always wins in the end. Facts are stubborn things; so are the realities to which the scripture speaks. I believe this current health crisis will open the door for us the once again re-engage the culture as if the gospel is his brand new is the day where Christ charged his disciples to go into all the world and make disciples of all men.

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